Strategy of Effective Writing

Amrit Singh
3 min readMay 27, 2021

Every writer strives to be a good writer. But what does it mean “good”? The notion is too vague and subjective. Better to aim at being an effective writer. Yep, that’s easier to evaluate because there are some aspects of effective writing. Such writing means understanding how to create a document to meet reader needs, is valuable, and helps readers timely access the information they need.

Must-Haves of Effective Writing

There are four techniques of effective writing:

  1. Be competent at your content. Everyone should believe you know what you’re writing. In addition to fact-based, reasonable explanations to convince readers, you should also make your readers believe in you. They must believe that you are honest and reliable, that you’ve done your best to gather all relevant information and to interpret it reasonably, and that you have their best interests at heart. Your writing should be clear, correct, and plain. Such writing will make you seem competent. Sloppy writing and jargon-filled language will have the opposite effect.
  2. Be friendly with your readers. Generate positive emotions in them. If your content is confusing, unstructured, and poorly written, you’ll get the frustration, disappointment, and boredom. On the other hand, a well-drafted, well-researched, and designed document will give positive emotions to your readers: satisfaction, interest, and the like. Choose a suitable tone. Try to balance between confident and condescending. Suggest a “we’re on the same page” rather than an adversarial or superior attitude.
  3. Bring strong evidence and logic. Give your readers information and logic. If you fail to do this, you’ve already lost your readers’ confidence. Look at your writing as a reader: What information do you need? Are you searching for facts and figures? Do you need some history of the situation? Do you wish for the opinions of experts other than yourself?
  4. And don’t forget about grammar. Use proper punctuation and language, don’t heap up everything together. It may seem like you don’t really sure what you’re writing about and trying to puzzle a reader. And, of course,
  5. Proofread your piece. A piece of writing that may be effectively written won’t be filled with errors and sloppily presented; such writing sends the message that the writer is incompetent.

Effective writing is essential to enable you to deliver the right message to the right audience. A great piece of writing has the power to influence an audience, help you gain media coverage, attract customers, and many more benefits. With the persuasive techniques outlined in this article, writers can generate documents that readers will find trustworthy and compelling.

Stay well!


“Follow the river and you will get to the sea.”

