Remote Work: Pros and Cons

Amrit Singh
3 min readJun 2, 2022

In the internet era, it’s no surprise that remote work has become one of the most popular work arrangements, and the global pandemic has forced that idea to be spread and tested around the world. According to Gallup, 43 percent of employed Americans reported working at least some of the time remotely in 2016; by 2022, that number has doubled.

Technical writers are no exception. Many have found great success working remotely, thanks to the help authoring tools that make it easier than ever to stay connected with team members and clients.

Here, I decided to explore the benefits of remote work for technical writers and share tips for making the most of it.

The benefits of working remotely

A study commissioned by UpWork and Freelancers Union found that 86 percent of remote workers feel more productive when working from home. That is a great majority. So what is so great about working remotely, besides the obvious benefit of saving time and money on commuting forth and back every day. Other benefits of working remotely include:

  • Increased well-being. As I mentioned above — with no commute and lunch hours, remote work can improve the health and well-being of employees by reducing stress and saving money.
  • Increased flexibility and freedom when it comes to hours. This can lead to a better work-life balance. Now you don’t have to obey the office hours if you’re a late riser — plan your schedule accordingly: shift your awakening to later and even divide your working day into parts. It feels like you’re a boss here (just don’t forget to adhere to your work plan).
  • Less stress and a more relaxed work environment. You create your environment yourself: if you want your workplace to be in the kitchen — be it in the kitchen! Or do you like to work lying on the sofa? Pick a position and enjoy your work! For introverts — you don’t have to do small talks with people you don’t like much. (Although for extraverts, this advantage can turn into a defect.)
  • Greater job satisfaction. Many employees want to continue working from home at least some of the time and believe that this would make them happier and more satisfied with their jobs.

The challenges of working remotely

Working remotely definitely has its advantages, but it’s not without its challenges. So what can go wrong with working from home?

  • The first challenge is staying focused. It can be easy to get sidetracked when you’re working from home. There are always distractions — the phone, the TV, the dog who just wants to play, or, if you’re in the kitchen, your refrigerator calls for you constantly. It can be tough to stay on task when there are so many distractions readily available.
  • The second challenge is staying connected. When you’re working remotely, you can easily feel isolated from your team. It’s important to find ways to stay connected and communicate with your team, whether that means using video conferencing software or setting up a regular meeting schedule.
  • Unstable internet connections, as well as delays in getting any form of IT support are also causing headaches.
  • Sticking to the plan. With so much distractions waiting for you at home it is hard to keep to the work plan you’ve made. It requires a certain will power and intentionality.


Technical writers can find success working remotely if they take a few things into account. First, it’s important to have a good system for staying in touch with your team and ensuring that you’re staying on top of deadlines. Second, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting enough social interaction; after all, one of the benefits of working remotely is being able to connect with people from around the world. Finally, it’s important to find a way to stay productive when you’re not in an office environment. By taking these things into account, technical writers can find success while working remotely.

Stay well!


“Follow the river and you will get to the sea.”

